The Country Trust is a charity dedicated to supporting the most persistently disadvantaged children. We raise our funds on this basis and we audit our programme participants. ​For Welsh schools, click here.


Primary School is above 25.9% Free School Meals (EVER6)

We have consulted The Office of the Children’s Commissioner to ask what measure we should use to identify primary schools to take part in our programmes and have been told that above-average Free Schools Meal EVER6 (Pupils eligible for free school meals at any time during the past 6 years) intake is the best measure currently 25.9%.  

If your school has FSMEVER6 of 25.9.% or above you are eligible for our support. 

Search for English Schools: Free School Meal (EVER6) Percentage


Primary School is below 25.9% Free School Meals (EVER6) 

We have limited availability in our programmes for schools which don’t meet the FSMEVER criteria but are one of the following. 

  • ​A specialist SEND or SEMH school.​ 
  • An alternative provider of education, including; ​ 
    - Pupil Referral Units for primary-age children​ 
    - Local Authority hospital and outreach departments.​ 
  • School with high percentage of children receiving Service Pupil Premium

If your school doesn’t fit the above criteria but due to circumstances believe the children should have access to our programmes, please contact us.


Non-school groups supporting disadvantaged children

We have limited availability in our programmes for groups and organisations which support disadvantaged children (including groups which meet in school buildings but outside of school hours).

  • A group or organisation supporting disadvantaged primary children outside of formal education. ​ 
  • A holiday activity programme for Pupil Premium children of primary age.  
  • A group supporting refugee / asylum seeker children / families. ​ 
  • A group supporting vulnerable families. ​ 
  • A group supporting Looked After Children.​ 
  • A group supporting Young Carers. ​ 

If your group doesn’t fit the above criteria but due to circumstances believe the children should have access to our programmes, please contact us.


Welsh Schools

We use Welsh Free School Meal (FSM) data which is a three-year average.

If your school has FSM of 23% or above you are eligible for our support

Search for Welsh Schools: Free School Meal Percentage