Whether a bake sale, sponsored walk, skydive, clay pigeon shoot or barn dance, you can support us and have fun at the same time!
If you're considering raising money individually, as a team or through your workplace, we're here to help.
We can provide you with marketing materials, social media and PR support for your campaign. Have a look through our FAQ’s below and if you can’t find the answer you are looking for, email makingithappen@countrytrust.co.uk
Need inspiration? Have a look at of A-Z of fundraising activity ideas below!
Don't forget to tell us about your fundraiser!
Once you've decided on your activity and are ready to start collecting sponsors, email us to share the exciting news!
Just a selection of fundraising ideas! Our A-Z
A- Auction- Hold an online auction of promises- haircuts/ grass cutting/ babysitting etc
B- Barn dance. Sell tickets and invite all your friends and family. Include a BBQ
C- Coffee morning. Hold a coffee morning with your friends and include a raffle
D- Dry January. Get sponsored to give up alcohol or chocolate for a month
E- Ebay. Gather up all the things you don’t want, sell them on ebay and give a donation
F- Fete. Hold a fete at your school or ask a local venue if you can hold one there
G- Garden Party. Invite your friends, bakes some cakes and enjoy!
H- Halloween party. Throw a party celebrating a particular time of year
I- It’s a knockout! Organise a competition at school/ in your company/ with friends
J- Jumble sale. Collect everything you don’t want and ask others for contributions
K- Knitathon. Gather your friends and family, get knitting and sell your creations
L- Lawn mowing. Ask friends, family, neighbours if you can cut their grass for a donation
M- Market stall. Sell fruit and veg you have grown and cakes and biscuits you have made
N- Non uniform day. Get your school to do no uniform or your work to dress down
O- Open Garden. Open your garden to visitors for a donation, see if others will too
P- Plant sale. Sell plants from your own garden and get donations from local nurseries
Q- Quiz night. Hold a quiz night in your school, scout hut or local pub
R- Run! Get involved with an existing run or do your own for sponsorship
S- Swimathon. Get sponsored to swim as many lengths in a certain time as you can
T- Treasure Hunt. Get permission to hold a Treasure Hunt in a local garden or park
U- Underwear Out. Get sponsored to wear your pants outside your trousers for a day
V- Valentines Disco. Hold a Disco for Valentines Day
W- Walk. Organise a sponsored walk
X- Xmas card donation. Make a donation to The Country Trust instead of sending Christmas cards
Y- Yogathon. Get sponsored to do a set amount of yoga or see how many people you can get involved
Z- Zoo themed fancy dress. Organise a party or simply dress as an ape for work
Yes! Please drop us an email to discuss further. We can also support you to write a press release for your local news and draft social media posts, advice on how to create videos and grow your supporters.
There are many platforms to choose from when setting up your fundraising event. We have a profile on Wonderful which gives us 100% of the money raised. We have also had supporters raise funds on Just Giving which is a well-known fundraising platform. Setting up a page should be simple. Please contact us if you require support.
The funds you have raised via Wonderful, if connected to our profile will automatically come to us. However, if you have cash donations you can send them to:
Bank Transfer – you can pay your money directly to: The Country Trust Sort code: 40-52-40 Account: 00090379
By Post – Please make cheques payable to: The Country Trust. Please include your name and event as reference.
Via CAF bank – Click here to make a donation
As a registered charity, Country Trust can claim back an extra 25p on every £1 donated through Gift Aid. To claim Gift Aid your sponsors must be UK tax payers and they will need to record their home address, postcode, donation amount and tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsor form or fundraising page.
Though not always possible, we would love to hear about your event and see if there is anyone local to you who can attend. Please contact us by email with details of your event including your name and location.
Food - If you are offering or selling food, please check with your local council for any food safety regulations that may apply. Guidelines on food hygiene regulations can be found at food.gov.uk
Insurance - You are responsible for whatever activity you undertake in support of The Country Trust
Collections - You need to contact your local authority for a licence before you can run public, street and door-to-door collections. Collections on private property require the land or property owner’s permission. All under 16s must be accompanied by an adult when collecting money for charity. Please let us know if you are planning to leave a collection tin at a private property such as a shop, pub or club so we keep a record of where it is being held.
Alcohol - Selling alcohol at an event requires a licence. If your venue is not licensed you will need to contact your local authority to obtain a temporary licence at least ten days before the event. Please visit www.gov.uk/temporary-events-notice for more information.
Health and Safety - Remember to carry out a risk assessment on your venue and assess the accessibility of the space for people with additional needs and/or children. Check first aid provision, fire safety equipment and emergency evacuation procedures are in place for your chosen venue. For larger events you can contact the British Red Cross or St John Ambulance to arrange for trained first aiders to be present. Always be careful with your own personal safety when carrying collection tins and money.
Gambling (lottery and raffles) - The same laws and rules apply to lotteries and raffles. There are three types of lottery and raffle, and each has its own rules.
You do not require a licence for:
Private lotteries or raffles. Definition: those held at a workplace or club and run by someone within the organisation.
Rules: The lottery or raffle can only be advertised and offered on the premises. Tickets must state price, name and address of the promoter, and who is eligible to participate.
Small lotteries or raffles where they are not the main focus Definition: those held as part of a larger event that are not the main focus or draw
Rules: Cash prizes cannot be offered. The ticket sales and announcement of the results must all take place during the event. No more than £250 can be spent on buying the prizes but there is no limit to the value of any prizes donated
But you do need to register with your local council to obtain a licence for:
Public lotteries or raffles - Definition: those open to the public
OR with tickets sold outside of any event
OR with cash prizes
OR with over £250 spend on buying prizes
The rules regarding lotteries and raffles can be found at www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk (for England, Scotland & Wales) and www.nicva.org/publications/advice-note-9-lotteries (for Northern Ireland).
If you wish to raise a concern about how we operate or fundraise, visit our Complaints Procedure webpage to find out how to submit a complaint and how it will be processed.
With your support, we can continue empowering disadvantaged children foster a connect to food and nature, helping to build a brighter, more sustainable future.
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