1 January 2022
A message from our CEO, Jill Attenborough.
This year, with your help we have provided joyful, enriching opportunities to tens of thousands of children.
Forging a connection with the land that sustains us all supports children’s physical, emotional and educational wellbeing in a way that’s desperately needed. But why should any child miss out?
Our ambition now is to provide for children at a totally different scale, and we have a 5 Year Plan to map out this new territory. It’s daunting, but with your help, we know we can do it.
We are proud of what we have achieved in the past year with your help. However, the need for our work is growing. As part of our new 5 year plan, by 2027 we’re aiming to support 120k children per annum… and it starts now.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, so to support 10,000s of children through our programmes it takes a small army of farmers, teachers, supporters and lastly funders, who make everything we do possible.