Children digging through soil Children digging through soil

Coming up! Get ready to plant your pants!

Plant your pants to see how healthy your soil is

13 October 2022

Did you know one teaspoon of soil can contain more living organisms than there are people in the world?

In partnership with scientists, we'll be asking families, schools and farmers across the UK to bury a pair of cotton pants for two months, so together we can explore the world beneath our feet.

The Plant Your Pants resources will be aimed at Key Stage 2, but can be adapted for any age. When we dig up the pants, we will be able to make a judgement on the health of the soil by how much the pants have disintegrated. We'll spark a nationwide connection and curiosity in soil, guiding people on how to look for signs of life and understand why it matters.

The planting activity will happen in Science Week in March '23.


Planting pants
Looking over soil